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The Forum allows users to participate in conversations around shared blog posts, taped video encounters, and podcasts. Possible topics for such conversations include current events, Illichian concepts, and the intersection between Illich’s thought and that of others. The specific content of the conversation and the format in which it is conducted is left to participants.  

Article: The Pandem...
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Article: The Pandemic of Dystopia: what paradigm of government is arising?

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Nilo de Freitas
Posts: 1
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Dear all,
I would like to contribute to discussions around the COVID-19 pandemic with this article I wrote with Lucas Casagrande still in 2020, named "The Pandemic of Dystopia: what paradigm of government is arising?".
Following is the abstract and the PDF for free download:
The present article draws attention to what paradigm of government is being produced due to the policies and discourses being employed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Three key concepts are discussed: iatrogenesis, enunciated by Ivan Illich, risk management society, delineated by Silja Samerski, and biosecurity, proposed by Giorgio Agamben. There is a process of modern transformation of collective life that is accelerated by the current context. As argued, bodies are increasingly treated as economic resources, reducing people to bare life or zoè. It is suggested, as an optional way of dealing with the pandemic, that, instead of urging to return to normality, one could use the opportunity to rethink the social structure. The pandemic could give room to put back into the public sphere discussions of agrarian reform, food and health sovereignty, and industrialization's deleterious consequences.
I believe the general proposition of the intensification of a cybernetic society was correct. I would like to discuss how the hinted alternatives could be further developed to shift the collective answers to the situation. This is a very dividing issue because on the one hand it is clear that controlling means of governments are increasing very rapidly (cf Europe), but on the other I would not like to dismiss the idea that the collectivity should protect people from menaces such as diseases, and especially not in the name of maintaining economic production (cf Brazil, Trump's US).
Looking forward for your thoughts and critiques.
Nilo C. de Freitas
Posted : 14/01/2022 2:25 pm
Posts: 5
Active Member

Hi Nilo, 

I read your post and attached article with great interest. I agree that it makes little sense to demand a 'return to normality' — as if the time before Covid did not include the preemptive management of risks. But it is also true, as you say, that this paradigm of government  has come into very sharp focus during corona days. You ask how about the lines of flight away from this governmental paradigm. I wonder whether the first step is to ask what 'health' means today.  The preemptive management of risk requires the transformation of persons into statistically manipulable data profiles. And Illich argued that person-as-profile is the necessary condition for 'health' redefined as optimal risk (see the attached article by Illich).  I suggest it crucial to understand this 'subject' of risk optimization to fully understand the emerging bio-security paradigm and to find ways to counter it. Is it a 'who' or is it a 'what' that optimizes risk. 


Sajay Samuel 

Posted : 25/01/2022 1:11 pm
Posts: 6
Active Member

in my opinion, this pandemic really affect everyone not just at a macro level, but even at micro levels such as ourselves as more rules were created for us to be more cautious on the ongoing situation. though it was created for good means, there were also parties involved that would try to take advantage of the situation, both in positive and negative ways, in which you can see from how the people reacted; some believed it is a "hoax" propagated by the government to create control, there are also people who would just trust the data given by the government. I personally think this pandemic is a lesson to us all to not be ignorant after seeing all the lifeless bodies and how the medical team had to work day and night to help another, even if they had to risk their own lives fighting this plague. aside from not being ignorant i suggest people would also want to help themselves survive first, with or without the help of the others. just my two cents and any thoughts were also welcomed. 🙂 


Posted : 17/02/2024 5:45 am
jamana susu
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Posted : 29/08/2024 8:12 am
jamana susu
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Posted : 29/08/2024 8:13 am
jamana susu
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namaha sana

Posted : 29/08/2024 8:13 am