This website is one fruit of the growing friendship that emerged from a surprising encounter. In 2018, Isabelle Cedotti and Neto Leao left everything behind in Brazil on a journey to find others interested in the thought of Ivan Illich. By happenstance they arrived on the doorsteps of Samar Farage and Sajay Samuel, who were close to Ivan Illich during and after his years at Penn State University. The four of us now hope that others who want to ‘think after Ivan Illich’ will join us. 

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This website is one fruit of the growing friendship that emerged from a surprising encounter. In 2018, Isabelle Cedotti and Neto Leao left everything behind in Brazil on a journey to find others interested in the thought of Ivan Illich. By happenstance they arrived on the doorsteps of Samar Farage and Sajay Samuel, who were close to Ivan Illich during and after his years at Penn State University. The four of us now hope that others who want to ‘think after Ivan Illich’ will join us. 

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