More about Conspiratio and Submissions
On content: Conspiratio encourages contributions from everyone wanting to participate in thinking after Ivan Illich. All contributions are expected to reveal a degree of familiarity with Illich’s ideas and to engage them in a thoughtful way. Every issue of Conspiratio includes essays, thematic articles, book reviews, and occasional translations of texts on/by Illich. All these exemplify “research by people” and advance the cause of thinking after Ivan Illich.
On submissions: For now, all submissions except translations are expected in English. Essays, book reviews, and translations may be submitted at any time. Articles contributing to the theme of each issue should be submitted in response to the call for papers. Only translations of book chapters or articles —not entire books —should be submitted for publication. Essays and articles may range in length between 1500 and 10,000 words. Shorter pieces should be posted as a blog on The Forum. Unless it is a review of many related books, a book review should not exceed 2500 words. However, unlike the standard practice of reviewing only recent books, the books reviewed for Conspiratio may be hard to obtain, dated, or even out-of-print. Moreover, documentaries, movies, and online materials like interviews, courses, or talks about Illich can also form the subject matter of the ‘book’ review section. To be notified of future calls for papers, click here.
For instructions on submissions, read more
On editorial and legal matters: Although academic protocols such as double-blind reviews are not enforced, authors should expect and be prepared to respond to editorial suggestions and requests. Similarly, although authors own the sole and complete copyrights over what is published in Conspiratio, authors submitting previously published materials are responsible for obtaining the necessary publishing rights.
On publication: Conspiratio is published in print and online at twice a year, in December and June. It can be read online, downloaded as a pdf file, or received via mail for a nominal printing and postage fee. Write to to request printed copies of the periodical. To be apprised of current and forthcoming issues, click here
For instructions on formatting the document, use the Chicago guidelines. In addition, movies or documentaries must be cited as follows:
Firstname Lastname, Title of Work, directed/performed by Firstname Lastname (Original release year; City: Studio/Distributor, video release year), medium.
Cite a web source as follows:
Firstname Lastname, “Title of Web Page,” Name of Website, Publishing Organization,
publication or revision date if available, access date if no other date is available, URL.
When you are ready, please use the form below to submit.