The Forum allows users to participate in conversations around shared blog posts, taped video encounters, and podcasts. Possible topics for such conversations include current events, Illichian concepts, and the intersection between Illich’s thought and that of others. The specific content of the conversation and the format in which it is conducted is left to participants.  

The Forum allows users to participate in conversations around shared blog posts, taped video encounters, and podcasts. Possible topics for such conversations include current events, Illichian concepts, and the intersection between Illich’s thought and that of others. The specific content of the conversation and the format in which it is conducted is left to participants.  

Facing Books
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Facing Books

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Chris Bateman
Posts: 13
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Hey folks,

I feel odd being the only one posting to the forum, but perhaps this doesn't matter! Anyway, I have a double bill of Ivan Illich reflections at Stranger Worlds this month and next month. The first one, Facing Books, picks up from an essay from In the Mirror of the Past, for which I remain eternally grateful to be referred to by the people gathered here.

Facing Books
The transition from the book to the computer as the dominant metaphor for mind

The second one runs in a different direction from Illich's thought about the relationship between empire and grammar. I'll try to remember to pop by and drop a link to that when it runs.

With unlimited love,


Posted : 13/09/2023 2:19 pm
Neto Leao
Posts: 6
Member Moderator

Hi Chris,

Thanks for sharing the link to your text. I will take the time to read it properly this weekend. I am glad you came across In The Mirror of the Past. I just finished the translation to Portuguese, which will be published in October. It is a remarkable book.

If you remember to pop you next article up I would be glad to read it.

All my best,


Posted : 22/09/2023 5:45 pm
Chris Bateman
Posts: 13
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Hi Neto,

Thanks for your comment. I gained an enormous amount from reading In The Mirror of the Past, which I feel was the 'missing link' in my Illich reading. I'm so grateful to the folks here for putting me in touch with it.

Since you have requested it, I will share another short Illich reflection from Stranger Worlds shortly. Thanks for taking an interest!

With unlimited love,


Posted : 06/12/2023 12:23 pm
Posts: 1
New Member


Posted : 09/01/2024 9:54 am